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空调维修 在室内茁壮成长


快 & 有效的24小时紧急空调服务

空调 是西北太平洋地区夏季的重要组成部分. 夏天带来了酷热和闷热的湿度, both of which mean you need an air conditioner you can depend on to keep your home comfortable. 然而, with the hours of extended use comes the possibility that your air conditioner may simply give out on you, 这就是金字塔供热 & 冷却会有帮助. 多年来, our 波特兰 and 弯曲 AC repair team has been the one you can depend on for dependable air conditioning repairs, and we offer a full range of services to take care of anything from serious problems to routine fixes. And we do all of it while offering customer service that isn’t matched anywhere else.

金字塔式供暖 & 制冷,我们把您的满意放在第一位. 2004年我们刚开业的时候, we set out with our goal of providing the best new construction installation services in the area. Our customers came to trust us so much that we eventually expanded into offering services for existing residential services and light commercial applications. Since that time, people all around the 波特兰 area have come to depend on 金字塔加热 & 冷静是因为他们知道他们可以指望我们把工作做好. 将老派的客户服务与现代技术和培训相结合, we go above and beyond even your loftiest expectations and deliver repairs which keep your air conditioner running smoothly all summer long.

If you’re tired of dealing with the stress of an air conditioning problem, get the experts at 千亿体育娱乐平台 来帮你处理这件事. 拿起电话打吧 (503) 783-8488 to request an estimate today for AC repair in 波特兰, 弯曲 or the surrounding areas.


整个夏季, your air conditioner may be the single most frequently-used appliance in your home. Running for hours per day every day of the week for months at a time can put a considerable amount of strain on your system’s various components, and it’s not uncommon for something to give out and cause your system to stop working as it should. At 千亿体育娱乐平台, our job is to find what has gone wrong with your air conditioner and then fix the issue to get your air conditioner working again.


  • 压缩机的问题
  • 制冷剂泄漏
  • 不一致/温度波动
  • 奇怪的声音或气味
  • 恒温器的问题



  • 能源费用增加一个故障的空调往往更难以冷却你的空间, 导致更高的能源消耗和水电费增加.
  • 降低了效率随着时间的推移, 忽视维修会导致空调失去效率, 使它在为你的家降温时效果更差.
  • 系统故障小问题可能会升级为大问题, 可能导致整个系统故障和昂贵的更换.
  • 空气质素欠佳:故障的交流设备可以循环灰尘, 过敏原, 和污染物, negatively impacting indoor air quality and potentially causing health issues.
  • 增加维修费用拖延修理会导致更大范围的损坏, 这会导致更昂贵的维修费用.
  • 缩短寿命: 常规的 maintenance and timely repairs are crucial for extending the life of your AC unit. 忽略问题会大大缩短它的寿命.
  • 安全隐患电气问题或制冷剂泄漏可能存在安全风险, 包括火灾危险或接触有害化学物质.

Addressing AC repair needs promptly can help avoid these risks and ensure your system operates safely and efficiently. 


1. 噪音太大 —所有空调都有轻微噪音. 但如果噪音真的很大,那么可能是什么东西松了. It's better to call in your 波特兰 AC repair specialists before your problem gets worse.

2. 吹暖风 -如果你不能从空调中获得凉爽的空气,那么它是用来做什么的? This issue could be either because of a problem with your thermostat or a problem with your cooling.

3. 泄漏单元 -可能是水管漏水了, 或者你的空调结冰了,冰融化了. 首先,检查空气滤清器是否太脏. 否则, call in your 波特兰 AC repair technicians because it's possible your evaporator coil needs a good cleaning.

4. 你的水电费太高了 - If your AC is running all the time to keep your indoor environment cool, 那你就得为这些额外的工作付钱了. Air conditioners usually cool for a period of time and then rest for a period of time. But if your unit isn't working at 100% then it will have to work double-time.

5. 气味消失了 - If your smelling mildew or dust, you probably just need to clean your ducts. 但是如果你从空调里闻到烧焦的味道, 还有一个问题需要专业人士的关注.


A blocked air filter is the most likely cause of an AC running but not cooling. 堵塞的空气过滤器会限制空气流通, 导致蒸发器盘管结冰的原因是什么, 降低了它从空气中吸收热量的能力. 它也可能导致制冷剂流动受限和高压, 导致冷却能力降低. 常规的ly clean or replace your air filter to ensure your unit is functioning optimally.


空调的使用时间因人而异, 但一般来说,你可以期待你的空调至少使用10年. 当你的单位达到这个年龄, you should begin to consider replacing your unit for a more efficient one. 以帮助最大限度地延长您的空调寿命, be sure to get regular maintenance and speak with a local HVAC company to see how they can assist.


When an air conditioning unit breaks down, you're left with a couple of options. 你要么去修空调,要么直接换一台. 你应该选择哪一个取决于几个因素, 但空调维修似乎是更便宜的选择, 如果符合以下任何条件,最好更换.

  • 你的空调已经用了10年了 How long an AC unit lasts depends on use, environment and maintenance levels. But if your unit is older than 10 years and it breaks down you should think twice before sinking more money into repairing a dying unit.
  • 它需要R22氟利昂- Because of the 2020 Freon Ban units that require this banned substance will become increasingly expensive to run as the coolant becomes more and more scarce, 所以是时候考虑更换了.
  • 它需要一次又一次地修理 While our 波特兰 AC repair team will always be happy to come in and fix your unit, if they're over so often that you're getting to know them by name then replacement is going to be less expensive than the umpteenth repair call.

把你需要的本德或波特兰空调修好 接触式金字塔加热 & 今天冷.


常规的 空调维修 is crucial for 波特兰 residents to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency, 尤其是在城市炎热的夏季. 金字塔式供暖 & 冷却, our expert technicians understand the unique climate challenges in 波特兰 and provide comprehensive maintenance services tailored to local needs.

有多年在波特兰地区服务的经验, we utilize advanced techniques and tools to inspect and tune up air conditioning systems effectively. 我们的维护过程包括检查制冷剂液位, 清洁线圈, 润滑运动部件, 验证恒温器的准确性. 通过尽早解决潜在问题, we help prevent costly breakdowns and extend the lifespan of your AC unit.

波特兰的房主和企业信任金字塔供暖公司 & 冷却 for reliable 空调维修 that keeps their indoor spaces comfortable year-round. 我们竭诚以优质的服务和客户的满意, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your cooling system is in capable hands.


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    我们不是来给你换装备的. 我们希望您家的整体健康茁壮成长.
  • 可用的24/7
    We have technicians available around-the-clock to service you when you need us most.
  • 我们的工艺
    We consistently deliver the highest level of quality installations, repairs, and service.
  • 我们的技术人员
    We are invested in our staff and technicians to ensure they receive the highest level of training.
  • 融资选择

    Our many financing options with approved credit will give you the peace of mind you deserve. 


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